Eniwetok Airport (ENT)
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Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands (MH) Small airport
Runway Data
Runway | Length (feet) | Width (feet) | Surface Type |
1 | 7,700 | 148 | ASP |
Frequency Data
Type | Description | Frequency (MHz) |
AAS | RDO | 126.2 |
Eniwetok Airport Reviews (4)
richard overby nov.24th2020. I was stationed on eniwetok and parry for the entirety of operation red wing. Hope i have the chance to go back sometime. duty was great especially on parrywhere i worked as a cryptographer and i was on civillian status.
I was stationed there in the service. It is a truly beautiful place with gorgeous beaches. The Scuba Diving is awesome. The waters are crystal clear with great underwater visibility. But, the islands are still "RADIOACTIVE" from nuclear testing by the U.S. Military. It will never become a resort destination. It truly is a beautiful place, but, not safe to live on. And won’t be for many many years.
The Beauty Of Enewetak Island
The air ride-in was a little bumpy due to the afternoon squalls, but it was worth the ride. The ocean was a beautiful aquamarine shade, and the beaches glistened from 10 miles away. the natives have returned and are growing pineapples and oranges all over the island. The WW II pictures show a flat sand island, but this place is paradise. The fish life is so abundant any net thrown will return a big harvest. The sand is clean and very bright white. BUT, there is a drawback. This island is great for a back packer with supplies, as the island store is very limited. But if you have your knapsack, and backpack, you can walk the beach completely around this island in one day. BUT, you’ll never make it. You’ll be stopping every hundred yards and jumping in that gorgeous ocean. It is truly irresistible. Heh, buy a plot of land and retire here, ONLY if you love great beaches, ocean breezes, warm and friendly people, and perfect surf almost every day. Yes, there are storms here, but with the solid concrete construction available now, and roof hold downs, I say let it blow for a day or two. I’ll take that with the next 3 years of perfect weather, and afternoon squalls that only rain for 45 minutes just before sunset, every other day. Here’s the best part. Get on Google Earth and look at it yourself. Then you decide. God Bless all of you!
I was there for a year and was part of two atomic tests. The big one one was Mike the first hydrogen device. Explosive equiv…10.4 million tons. That was Nov. first, 1952. All military then, a few palm trees and fantastic views